Thanks for your compliments on the new look. I'm glad you like it! Hopefully, it'll take longer for me to get sick of it - too much of the same color bores me after a while.
I haven't said anything about the Obama/Wright issue. Obama really said most of what I think about the racial divide in his speech on Tuesday. If you've been living under a rock, you can see it here. Beyond that, I've been trying to stay away from the punditry because I know it'll just upset me. I have noticed that some people have gone from thinking he's a Muslim to thinking he's a blind follower of his Christian pastor in a matter of days. Does anyone else find this ironic?
I finished Where the Red Fern Grows last night. And cried. Again. I also watched The Brave One, and was disappointed. I'm a huge fan of both Jodie Foster and Terrence Howard so I was hoping to like it much more than I did. But the script was merely so-so.
Oh, and I read about this HBO documentary premiering this week called "Autism the Musical." I know it's probably going to be incredibly heart-breaking, but I still really, really want to see it.
The girls were on Spring Break this past week, and spent it with their grandparents. They went to the St. Patrick's Day Parade downtown, went to the zoo, and hiked.
Riley was suffering from candy envy earlier. I let them each pick one piece of candy to have before dinner (because they really don't need any more sugar afterwards). Riley hemmed and hawed and finally chose something. Then she saw what her sister had, and couldn't help wanting that instead. I let her throw the marshmallow thing away (after convincing her that throwing candy away is not the same as wasting food) so she could have what her sister was having. This is how to avoid sibling rivalry; I'm all about balancing the candy distribution!

Aren't they just the cutest?!? Not like I'm biased or anything :)
They are completely adorable. Totally. And I love that they can throw out candy because it's "not food". Good teaching, Mom!
They are so cute!!! It's so nice to have a face to put to the name...we hear so much about them and now we know what they look like!
Now if only I can convince my 3 and 2 year olds that marshmallow isn't 'food'!
And BTW, I love the new look!!!
They really are the cutest!
Your blog looks great!
Nope, you're not biased, they're damned cute. :)
Love the candy negotiations. lol
They are so cute! I can't wait for my kids to get a little older ao I can read what they are reading. I forgot how much I loved the Where the Red Fern Grows
You're not biased, they are beautiful young ladies.
Where the Red Fern grows...I have heard of that before, but never seen it. Is it good?
Hi April,
I noticed on Jenn's site that you liked the idea of Wijvenweek. If you are interested to join us in, don't hesitate. You are still so welcome to join in! Just send an e-mail to and your blog will be added to the participants list and its posts will be captured as well in the feedreader at .
If you want some more information in English about it, drop me a comment and I'll e-mail more info!
The girls are adorable. So is the weather there! We woke up to 6" of fresh snow on Easter morn. Bleh.
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