Monday, September 17, 2007

Anyways is NOT a word!!

I'm no English professor, and I actually enjoy some "bad grammar" usage, like dangling participles and run-on sentences. I like to use "ain't" with double negatives at times and start sentences with "but" or "however."
However, "anyways" is NOT a word!! I don't care how many people say it or type it!! How did this happen? Why did it even start? Why ADD another letter to an already perfectly fine word? DRIVES ME CRAZY!!! (er. Crazier.)


Anonymous said...

As I was reading this, I kept running through the things I have written recently, I wonder how many times I have done this? I tned to use "anyway" a lot anyways.....: )

April said...

Kori, you use anyway :) I posted this because of someone at work; she can't get thru a conversation without saying "anyways." And I talk to her a good 10 times a day! Just had to vent a little :)

Anonymous said...

The one that bugs me though I think it is a local thing - idear instead of idea. And of course I am mourning the death of the adverb.

Anonymous said...

My bigger pet peeve is the use of the word, "Like," as in, "We were walking through the mall, like, and then we saw this hot guy, and like he was totally checking me out..." Hannah does that and it freaking drives me nuts.

Single Working Mommy said...

I like "for all intensive purposes," that's a great one.

I think I might say "like" a little too much. It's embarassing. I'm 31. I don't know how to stop.