Ken Levine does this much better. (He's linked over there on the left - By Ken Levine - this is a quick and dirty post.) But what the heck?
Jason - Okay, I know he's a joke to many people. I get the joke. I still usually like him. This week, however, his flaws were not as likeable as I usually find them. I think I'm just over it.
David Cook - my favorite (which means, of course, that he won't win).
Brooke - usually, a fine singer, but when she opens her mouth to speak, she bugs the crap out of me. Like the other week, when she was in the bottom two and was all, oh no, it won't be the other girl (can't remember who now; I think Kristie Lee Cook...whom I also disliked). Shut up! You know you want it to be her! And when it came to the whole starting over thing, I was totally with Paula. You don't start over. You work through it. That's one of the challenges (and joys) of live performance. This week, I got through about 8 bars of her first song, and then was grateful for my DVR and the ability to skip through her. The second song wasn't as bad. I just can't get over my dislike of her as a person. (I know, I'm being mean. She's really nice. Yeah. Whatever.)
David Archuleta - does this kid have a career in Christian music or what? I'm not sure who's managing all his song choices, but they're doing an excellent job. He will go on to have a long-lasting career. And he could very well win the competition.
Syesha - I found it interesting that Simon said she was in trouble more than Jason. If it were based on talent, she'll last tonight. But Jason does have a very huge following that could keep him in another week.
I don't actually vote, mind you. It seems whenever I have in the past, my person gets voted off that same week. So really, I consider it a favor to my favorites if I just remain passive.
As for Paula's faux pas last night, I just found the whole thing amusing. I've heard them say a few times before that it was better or worse than their dress rehearsal, so it's not all that outrageous to me that she had an opinion of something that the viewing audience hadn't seen yet, but it was still kind of fun to watch them squirm!
And my other attempt at being light isn't really mine. I stole this graphic from DAVID DUST:

I am wondering if I might perhaps need a samll does of that pill. Yeah, right. : )
I don't vote either, but I watch... I think Jason, Brooke, Syesha and Michael Cooke are all better off *not* winning. David A totally has the AI style - the producers can force their usual post-season syrupy songs on him and he will hit them out of the park. The others have more unusual personal styles, so it's best they stay out of the meat grinder that winning involves. That's my theory, anyway!
I agree with tzt. Michael Cooke is my favorite, so I hope he gets booted off to bigger and better things. I'm right there with you on Brooke's performance. It was . . . almost unbearable (and she usually does so well). We dvr'ed the performance (I'm a huge NCIS fan, embarrassingly enough!). I fell asleep early on, though!
Wait a sec - it's David Cooke, not Michael Cooke. I knew that sounded funky! So my husband just filled me in on Paula's flub. Classic.
I don't watch Idol . . . but hell, if I took that Sarcasma pill I wouldn't be able to TALK. I don't know that I could TALK without sarcasm. Damn!
I'm with you on just about everything here. It wasn't one of the best evenings, IMHO...
I want that pill graphic blown up into poster size to put up in my office at work. Love it!
(Even though you went with the lighter post...know I'm still thinking of you and hoping things are looking up!)
'I no longer shoot my co-workers' Freakin' hilarious. I need a dose of that this morning! Can you get it in a poster size? I want one too.
Hi April, just wanted to say thanks for popping over to my wee Scottish blog. Always nice to come across new people. We don't get American Idol here (yet!) so I cannot give you any witty and incisive input on that. But I LOVE that image, although it scares me a bit - the population of Britain would wither and die without sarcasm!
I've only watched one episode this season. I like the guy with the dreads. He's cute.
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